Thanks to Yalu by Todesco, the silence in iOS 10 jailbreak shattered away. Accepting a semi-untethered run for the 64-bit devices, Yalu beta 7 now comes in the public view which supports iOS 10 to 10.2 successfully. But if you question when it will be officially released, what would be the answer? Let’s see Yalu official release plan by Todesco in the aim of Jailbreak iOS 10.2. If you think taking a beta run is like taking extra risk, read and find all about Yalu official tool release plans for ahead.
A word about Yalu Jailbreak iOS 10.2
When the time Yalu introduced, it was extremely limited in device support and all. In fact, Todesco has planned Yalu only up to 10.1.1 where 10.2 has come by chance. However, all improvements and changes the developer has carried over the tool has finally given a supportive tool update to the user giving Cydia Download opportunities for a wide party. In fact, Yalu at beta 7 currently supports iOS 10 to iOS 10.2 jailbreak targeting 64-bit devices. But as seen in the initial stage, iPhone 7 jailbreak on iOS 10.2 is still wanting which was said due to hardware security measures in modern Apple devices.
As previous Pangu 9.3.3, Yalu too runs in a semi-untethered flow. With Cydia impactor download and side loading the IPA, it can process for successful jailbreak. And as it can be managed through Windows, Mac and also Linux, it will not comes difficult to the user in getting with the preparation. And in the process-wise, it features same as Pangu previous jailbreak where you will have to renew the jailbreak with the quality of expiration. If you are using a regular certificate/ID, you will have to re-run the jailbreak with every 7 days while developer account holders are given 1-year time.
Update for 32-bit Users
Regardless of all comings and goings of iOS 10 jailbreak, if you still rock in iOS 9, Home Depot is the latest update in the side of jailbreak. Thanks to developer “jk9357” iOS 9.1 to 9.3.4 jailbreak update has now arrived targeting 32-bit device users. If you were worried seeing previous Pangu only work up to 9.3.3 and 64-bit, this going to be the relief which targets 32-bit users only. But as it would not bring support above 9.3.4, this time Home Depot update would not bring cheers for iOS 9.3.5 or iOS 10 jailbreak fans. So those who are currently allowed can reach Home Depot iOS 9 jailbreak just as Yalu which required Cydia impactor download and side loading the IPA.
Expected Changes with Yalu 10.2
With Yalu beta 7, Todesco has already confirmed it is stable as it going to get. So in that way, there would hardly find major changes above beta 7 when Yalu officially given out. But as we already know, iPhone 7 jailbreakers on iOS 10.2 should wait for the final tool release as Todesco has confirmed it will add support for all 64-bit devices including iPhone 7. So until then, iPhone 7 users will be restricted to iOS 10 to 10.1.1.
Above that, there would possibly be some minor changes and fixes. So if you think beta 7 will make problems in jailbreak your iDevice, wait for the complete tool release which will not take longer than a month.
In searching the web, you will now find different options in Yalu download. But remember Todesco’s Yalu is only the genuine tool update from which only you can get expected results. So avoid other fake downloads and clicks which could risk your device.
If you have successfully gone through Yalu beta 7, you will get complete Cydia Download. So here you are the video guide to pick some of the best Cydia options for your jailbreak.
Yalu too for Jailbreak iOS 10.2 is anyway stable at the moment. But if you willing to waiting on the official confirmation, stay signed for few more days. And once you got jailbreak write us about your time with Cydia.